'sup dooooods? -shot-

Been a while since i've posted.

Just when i think i'm gonna get some free time, my parents pull the "Let's go camping right as soon as you get home from vacation with your friends!" card.
So yes, i'll be gone again this weekend. Until Tuesday, to be more exact. -__- So i'll be missing yet another PF meeting.

I really need to post some art. I have a bajillion sketches in my sketchbook that i think i'm just gonna shove together in a couple of sketch dumps.
And i missed the deadline for Otaku Battle Royale 'cause i completely forgot about finishing my entry. Oh well, i wasn't going to win anyway. xD

Hmmmmm... It's time for an FF13 update! -cheers-
I just got to Orphan's Cradle. LAST CHAPTER BBY. <3
When i first walked in i was thinking "Oooooh! This place is pur--- WTF IT JUST TURNED PINK?!?!"
I was not enjoying chasing Orphan around, so i ran away to Pulse in order to try and fill up my crystarium.

But yeah i'm reallllllly happy. Because i'm almost at the end. I'VE NEVER GOTTEN TO THE END OF AN FF GAME BEFORE. >w<

Oh and i saw The Last Airbender(with anime-chan 'cause she flew across the country to come visit people! 8D). OMG.
It was awful.
They pronounced everything wrong and erghhhh.
I mean... I've seen worse movies... But ugh. D:<

Summer is going by so fast. D': Like, srsly. WHERE'S IT GOING?

Anyway. I've gotta go download some songs off iTunes for my mom over on her computer side and then go get ready to go to a picnic with Mash-chan, so i'll talk to y'all later!
