The Storm...

.... woke me up. =TT_TT= Just when I was dremaing about Itachi. =TT_TT= Itachiiiiiii....! *cries*

I'm still pretty sleepy, but I can't quite go back to sleep. I probably will right after I finish this post, but yeah...

I got though my first week of classes...! ;orz The humidity made it even harder for me cuz I was feeling unmotivated to do much... but I managed.

Don't you just hate those times when you feel like/know your breath smells, and you have to be close to someone, but you don't want to pop a piece of gum because you feel like that's extremely obvious, but then at the same time they'd probably appreciate it a lot if you did? XD;; Yeah, I randomly decided to share my book with the guy next to me because he didn't have his, but then I'm thinking, "Crap, I just ate some party mix before my last class, but I don't taste anything in my mouth, so maybe it's okay, but my breath has got to stink... GAH I feel so self conscious, not to mention I'm out of it right now! *sobs* =TT_TT=" ... Yeah. Next time, I'll just pop the gum before class starts. X3;

Have any of you that are still in high school ever seen students that wer older than you who've grduated recently come back to visit the school and talk to the teachers? Some of my upperclassmen did that while I was still in high school. And it made me think, "I wonder if I'd ever do that?" ... Then I think "No, probably not. XD Not until my high school reunion or anything" XD;; speaking of which... that'll be in about 6 years, I believe... In 2016 will be the first high school reunion, if they do that, even. Since I believe it's every 10 years. I highly doubt anyone I was really close to would come back that ealry, though, so I probably wouldn't know anyone there too well, after all. =;_;=

Gah, I'm sleepy, but at the same time, I can't... My eyes feel dry. *rubs them* I feel like I'm forgetting something, too. But since there's no school tomorrow, I figured I'd worry about stuff tomorrow. Gonna clean my room so I can get my desk chair back (I moved it into my brothers' room so I could put together my bookshelf and never took it back XD;;)

Well, I guess I'll stop here, then. Ja ne.
