Classes & Stuff

Well, I've had all of my classes at least once so far... My professors seem fine so far. I suppose I shouldn't worry too much about workload just yet, though I'm still feeling things out. It's still the first week, after all.

I have 3 more classes today, then I'm off for the weekend. Then it's off to get some of my supplies for the classes. Today I believe there will be much drawing done in my first class (Storyboarding class), and the second, I think we'll be touching on the first chapter (gaming/animation class), third wejust turn in our papers with an introduction about ourselves and why we're taking the class (Japanese 101).

I'm feeling... weird... Like I'm expecing something to happen, although there's not too much expected until next week... Well, at the very least, I have my sketchbook for Storyboarding class, and I still have leftover artist pencils from the basic drawing class back in Freshman year...

I'm bored just typing this XD It's all this humidity from the rain outside. (That was a doubly redundant sentence XD) I guess I'll feel better once today's classes are over. I had a nightmare last night/this morning at about 2 am. And my TV is finally no longer showing the channels I usually get, so it looks like it's time to install that digital box thingy. I wonder if it'll be the same as before or if I'll get a few new channels? X3 I feel too relaxed right now... =~_~= <(zzz) I shall get a bit more rest then begin to get my stuff together for class today... Ja ne. *snoozes*
