Sucked Into the Meme Vortex...

1. Hold breath.
2. Hold down the period (.) button.
3. Unhold it when you have to breathe again.
4. GO!!!


XD; Okay well I dunno if that's good or bad, but I guess that's how I did XD

*stares at new bookshelf box and drools* =@A@= It's right theres in in front of meh, but I can't has it just yet =@__@;= But I shall has it soooooon... Now off to eat and watch a little Groove Adventure Rave (or Rave Master to those who've only seen it in English), then to writing part 2 of MotP: The Training Chronicles, then to whichever other task I said I'd do today XD *cleans room and cries* ;;OTZ *sobs*

Ja mata ne all you people who I wants to marry and run awai with! =;A;/=~<3 *is being weird because she can... Blame it on Takaichan* XDD
