More Postponement...

I'll be uploading the next part of MotP tomorrow morning since I've been at the hospital and running to stores all day. Dad's still going to be there for a bit longer because his speech is incoherent. We couldn't understand half of what he was trying to say. He seems to be improving slightly. I think he just needs some rest and care and he'll start getting back to normal, though it'll be tougher this time around since he'll be sad about his mom/my grandmother passing. Even so, we're all praying he'll be able to cope ='u'=

On the bright side and unrelated to the previous note, I finally got a new bookshelf, and it was only $26. =D I'd been talking about how I need a bigger bookshelf because the one that I have is a kiddy bookshelf that I've had since I was 4 or 5 and since I'm getting more manga, I'm running out of room =( But I have it now! So all that needs to be done is to straighten up my room and assemble it! It's taller than me, so it might be heavy, and my mom doesn't want me to do it alone =o~o= I understand that, I'm just a wee bit anxious to conserve space XD

For tonight, I shall rest. =) Tomorrow, I'll see if I can straighten my room and get to work on a request and of course, upload the next MotP. =3 Things are going okay X3 Mata ne =D
