Hello there. =^^= Kitty here. Welcome to my site. Feel free to look around. Please read my rants and comment if you have the time. Also, keep an eye out for any manga or fanart updates. If you'd like to chat, feel free to pm me. I'd be happy to talk. Enjoy. =^^=

Other than that, if you don't mind my rants, then read on.

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Keep an eye out here for any update on the Mystery Mini-Project I'm working on. If you figure out what it is I'm going to be doing, you're welcome to speculation, I won't confirm or deny any theories until the right time =3 Thanks for your support~! =D

Other places you might see artwork from me:

DeviantArt: MangaKeri
Tumblr: mangakeri13

Testing this feature here. Since theO doesn't seem to support the default embed I was given, I've finagled it a little so it will show here. This image will take you to a button that takes you to the page XD

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Small Announcement

So the mystery project I mention a few months is is going to be postponed for a bit. I plan to do a smaller, similar project that can be completed much sooner. My general time goal is to finish in three months, so by the beginning of May. When it's done it will be available for free (or if you want to set a price to help my funds a bit, that would be much appreciated =3)

As I get further in, I'll update on progress and you'll begin to see what there is to look forward to~ =D

Gift WIP

I'm only posting this here because my friend won't see it. She doesn't know what I'm drawing her XD This is her character Rhilen in his usual form (left) and an alternate form he took about 48 pages into the story X3 I won't spoil, why, though. If you wanna read her story, I'll put the link right here. The actuall story is the second image down, the top one is a Christmas special, so I'd read that second =3

Resuming Artwork, Soon.

I haven't updated any art for the past two weeks since I've been working almost non-stop on Christmas presents when I'm not at work. It took a little longer due to the Tennis elbow, but that's all healed now~ And my gifts are wrapped and under the tree~

Soo, I'm going to start drawing again and try to keep on schedule every Sunday. Next drawing will be a birthday present for my friend since her birthday is also Christmas X3

Friend's Fox's Medical Costs

My friend has started a goFundMe campaign for his pet fox, Natasha. Due to various reasons, he needs help paying for some medical procedures. His last fox died as a pup because of a sad accident, so I hope he can give this one a long, happy life.

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Click the picture to go to the GoFundMe page. Even a dollar helps =)

Pony Dancer Sketch

SO I got attached to this one Coloratura backup Dancer that the community is calling "Limelight/Limelite." I wanted to draw him for a while, but I decided to do it now that get rid of a little frustration I have for who knows whatever reason...

Scanner's out of commission (took out the power supply and I always have trouble getting it back in place properly...) so low quality image from phone. gonna trace over it since I made it the same size as my tablet.