Where are youu!

Hey guys! Sorry I havent posted in awhile...Ive been a tad busy with a thing called life, Hah. Maann I want it to be summer SO BAD!!!!!!! I don't get out till June 2nd!! DX!! My cousin gets out this friday!! WTF IS UP WITH THAT!!! Plus I have lots of tests and junk coming up. Hoooray for Oral exams! NOT. Random thought: I saw Iron Man 2 last week, pretty kick ass XD but honestly I think the first one was better...Am I the only person who things Robert Downey Jr. is a total Babe????? *looks around*
You know who else is smokin...Christian Bale.
No seriously I just watched a movie with him in it called the Newsies! LOL its a pretty weird movie I have to say...but hes SO FLIPPIN HAWT in it..Plus its a musical so he was dancing and singing...*giggles* ....Why Am I sharing all this anyway..Hah I think Ive gone loopy...*shrugs* OMG you know what movie I want to see???....Letters to Juliet! Seriously I do. Dont Judge. *Is judged*

Mmmm Sorry for a completely random and useless post *shrugs* My creativity has totally been flushed down the drain lately...


Summer summer Where art Thou Summer....?

Ciao 4 now~!.
