April Fools day and Then some.

Happy April Fools day everybody!! Hope everyone has pranked or been prunked, haha. Okay seriously the smiley thing on here caught me off guard. At first I thought "Hey this is funny, nice one Mr Otaku person"!! Then the site starting lagging. didnt think it was so funny after that. Plus my smiley on the comment boxes is like POOP brownish green. Barfimania. LOL.

On a completely DIFFERENT note...This saturday I will be leaving for a period of time...I probably wont be on until next Thursday or soo, I might be able to post tomorrow but we'll see. Anyways if I cant post Id just like to see bye, and tell yall how much ill miss ya :)

*waves* Byee (Maybe XD)

Ciao 4 now~!.
