Fun on Ice

AAahhhh today was soo much funn!!!!!!!!!! School was okay, but in American History we pretty much just talked to each other the whole time ! Which is awwwwesome. Then tonight i went ice skating with all of my friends which is always fun (: Im not that great at ice skating...i think my top speed is 2 miles per hour, yeah pretty beast i know. (not) Confession: Im a wussy to go fast or even try to, my friend ice skates so she was trying to get me to go faster but i was sorta stubborn about it as in i wouldnt budge, haha. Its so fun playing tag on the ice XD I could play for hours and hours and hours if i could. The only part i dislike about iceskating is falling on your butt. Which i did, once! Which is a new record for me (: Its a funny story too cuz my friend tagged me then fell and i said "hehe thats what ya get!~" Then right after that i tripped and did a butt plant. Lets just say we all got our share of giggles...
Ciao 4 now~!
