A Post

Hi everyone~! So i guess today is my OFFICIAL last day of winter break..It would of been last week but instead i had three snow days in a row..(Thank you god) haha. Man i really dont want to go back to school. But it would be nice not to be trapped in my house and plus id get to see my friends XD I JUST HATE MATH. with a burning passion of a billion suns. Plus i dont have anymore art classes for the rest of the year. Ugh plus my parents keep getting after me about basketball. It starts like well tomorrow hehe but ive told them both IM NOT GOING OUT FOR BASKETBALL! I mean seriously, i like basketball, its really fun and all and im pretty good at it, its just i really dont want to go out for the schools team! First off the coaches are total jerks, one even called a girl a boy at the basketball meeting, what a terd. Plus the practices are like 2 and a half hours long, and all the coaches care about is being the best and not having fun. HOW LAME IS THAT??? So i've told my parents that im not doing basketball, but yet today my moms asks me "When does basketball start??" UGH i hate it when people dont listen to you.... or when you feel like your being ignored. Total suckage. Haha this has to be my most negative post yet! Idk..i just had to let my anger out somewhere, and thats what these worlds are good for ^^
