Grawr *sigh* Boredness!

Man Im bored, atleast i got my math homework done...quiz corrections, haha shows how much I'm good at it. Math just sucks in general i mean if you like it thats great but its not my cup of tea! What were doing in math we arent even going to use in the real world! Oh well...Hey has anyone made their christmas list yet?? I just did XD Man I feel like a total LOSER cuz i asked for a snuggie .(OH Yea) For anyone who doesnt know what a snuggie is its a blanky with sleeves, lolz I made fun of my cousin for having one, but that night i got home and my arms were FREEZING when i was on my ol computer, there freezing now as i type this post! <.> Haha i should get my snuggie in leopard print, thatd be SoOper Smexi XD! hehe Man im rambling arent i...oh well

to add to the rambly randomness, a picture I love seeing Keigo getting kicked in the face XD How could I be so Heartlesssssss .

Sorry Keigo fanz (:
