Riddle Me This!

If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Answer: Yes it do :P

Now riddle me this!

If I were to type up a post and people are around to read it, but I've been M.I.A. [missing in action] which has most likely [99.9% sure] made me lose my "readers", will it be read?

Answer: No it won't. Maybe that .1% will show :P

Anyways. I suck [monkey titties] :O And! I read something important on here. addressed to me specifically. from someone very important to me. who I've missed a whole lot. and what they said kind of. made me. tear up. and I need to apologize big time.

LA LA LA! I'll be posting more often if anyone cares that .1% :D
