
The name is Kay a.k.a. ________


I'm hella immachurros.

Can you say RANDOM?

I'm a sucker for candy.

Laughing is my drug and anti-drug [Whoa mind trip] I love laughing even when no one says a single word.

Yes, i play music. It's funny... even when you suck at something, you keep doing it cause it makes you happy [;

I don't care what people think about me but I do care about what my friends think of me. Don't push my buttons, cause i'll just push yours 10times harder.

"Bitches love me cause they know that I can rock"

Music fucking rocks my skinny jeans.

Who here is bisexual? Oh, that would be me.

You don't know and won't know anything about me unless you talk to me. I don't think writing words down will help you see who i am...communicating is the key element, so don't be shy [:

You Came Into My Life Now I Want You To Stay

Excited and Obssessed

Guess what people?!

During winter break I will be going to....wait for it....Oh Canada! I will be visiting my uncle and auntie and cousins for about two weeks. I haven't seen them in awhile. I've forgotten their faces its been so long. Can't wait!

I also watched Wall-E like 5 more times. I'm obssessed (am I spelling that wrong?) with the part where they're but just flying with each other and everything around them just stops. All they see is each other. They only want to be with each other. They're just in love.

I love love. Simple as that. It makes me all happy inside.

Christmas Spirit Already?

I really wanted to see you

And I think you're beautiful

And I feel really warm? When I'm around you

And my uhh tongue swells up

Hardy har har! That is some Laugh Out Loud material right there! I'm watching "Elf" right now. That is one of my favorite Christmas movies out of the many horrible ones. Am I right? Like those Santa Clause movies. Hella Horrible. "A Christmas Story", from the 90's, is my favorite.

Its still November and Christmas is alive and well. Some houses in my neighborhood have already been thrown-up on by Christmas spirit. Its funny how we go from "I'm thankful for..." to "I want this and that and...." Oh the irony of it all.

"I'm in love! I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!...Hey you have elves working here?"

I love this movie! It makes me laugh like crazy.

God I'm hungry. Oh you know what I haven't had in a long time? A tickle fight. I need one of those. I'd ask my lazy ass dad but I don't want to. He'd probably crush me cause he's a fat tub of lard anyway. He sat on me when I was watching tv once and yeah. It wasn't to pleasant.


I'm probably the last person on earth to see Wall-E but I just watched it and its so adorable!!

At the end when Wall-E didn't remember her I almost cried!! I was like "No!" and all be wanted was to hold her hand! How cute is that?! And when she kissed him he was like "Oooooooh." God I love that movie! That's going to be on my mind forever. I love how everyone was like obese. My dad thought the movie was boring. He fell asleep. So I threw a pillow at him. Then he was like "This movie sucks. Hand me the remote" and it's closer to him than it is to me. So I said "No! You sir are lazy! You're like the fat floating people." and he says "As long as you're my daughter you'll always take of me." I just thought to myself how that's actually true. My own father takes advantage of me. Oh that sounds so dirty. :P

How was your guy's thanksgiving?

Turkey Day

Merry Happy Thanksgiving to anyone and everyone.

A special shout to the wife I love so much

Grr To The Max

Monday, November 24, 2008 marks another day to add to my "Embarassing Days" pile! Oh joy!

I bet you're wondering what happened.

It all started in my psychology class. My friend Trevor gets a new pair of white vans to "amp" up his outfit. My clumsy self accidently steps on his pearly white shoes and Trevor goes psycho balistic. "CLEAN MY SHOES!" he says. "HOW COULD YOU?!?" he says. "Fine...sorry" I say. So me being the slave I am takes his shoe to the sink to clean it for him.

From the sink I hear his whining. It annoys me so I take the shoe and throw it in his general direction. What happens to be in his general direction is the overhead projector. So up goes the shoe and down goes the projector with a glass shattering crash. Everyone's eye's on me. Some "Ooh's" are spoken. I just stand there like a idiot.

Luckily I didn't get in trouble. I just have detention for two weeks!!! Nah. Just kidding. I just had to clean up the mess and get another one from the projector room or whatever. I almost shit my pants though. Almost.