The Rain Falls

The Beginning

The rain falls hitting the trees and ground. The dirt becomes mud as she runs away from her past. She keeps seeing pictures of her dead family and one man laughing as he went to kill her. She only just got away her side bleeding badly her head spinning. She wouldn’t give up not now that she’s come so far. She jumped from the ground to the trees breathing heavily. Her bright baby blue eyes start to close she fights to keep them open. She fights to keep moving. She keeps thinking how this had happened to her but she doesn’t know. Her family wasn’t bad everyone loved them everyone loved her. But now that her family is gone what is she going to do. There is someone still after her because she is the only one who ever expect him. He’s the number one killer in the land he was payed to kill her and her family. But she got away he wont stop until she is found. Her bright baby blue eyes scan the place for somewhere to rest she’s been running for four hours straight she found a small cave sitting there breathing heavily her hands at her side trying to stop the bleeding. Her dark blue hair sits around her face perfectly going down past her waist. Her clothes sticking to her now wet bloodily body. She rips a peace of her black long pants and tied it around her chest area stopping the bleeding for now. She needed treatment and fast if she wanted to live. She fell in a light sleep not letting her grad down. She heard voices of many people. She awoke to fine the cave she was in filled with people. She didn’t move they thought she was dead.

“There’s nothing we can do for her” said a male’s voice. She looked around with little sight she had. Her baby blue eyes looking at every one of the people in the cave her dark blue hair coved the wound and soaked most of the blood.
“We can at least give her our respects and put her in the ground” a young woman snapped. She forgot about the not moving part and tried to get up she had her feet under her and started to stand when she was on her feet pain beyond belief shot through her body. She shocked everyone. As she tried to move a pain shot through her upper back where her wound started, she tried to move but her feet wouldn’t work for her. Everyone was looking at her eyes. Her bright baby blue eyes piercing through everyone that looked in her direction, she stagged to walk but refused help by people that came to her aid. When the young women found her voice it was strange to her people.
“Where have you come from? You should be dead with that wound, who are you running away from” she asked. She looked at the women with those blue eyes that could look into someone soul.
“I have come from the northern mountains, I’m running from no one I seen my family murder and came looking for there killer that is why I have this wound, I’m not dead because my hair has soaked most of its blood” said the girl her voice was dark and cold. Some of the littler kids hugged their parents clothes with there little hands.

“I’m the elder of my people, and I would apprentice if you didn’t scare the little ones” said a man with grey hair he looked to be his mid forties he was musclier for his age.
She stared at him. He had to be joking this world is full of people that would kill them in a blink of an eye. She blinked at him and said “fine” when she turned to leave her body gave out on her and she fainted from blood loss. A young man about 17 ran forwards her before she hit the ground. He had black hair and emerald green eyes. He’s the son’s elder. He picked her up with those musclier arms that could crush someone if they wanted to. He started walking out of the cave when his father called out to him

