There won't be Brawl (anymore) :(

Hey hey,

I just finally got around to watching There Will Be Brawl final episode. Man that was good. It's still such an indie production, but so much better than one would initially expect from the description, lol.

Obviously it would only really be interesting to watch if you were into Smash Bros. and/or Nintendo in general. But man...oh so good.

I am so buying the DVD when it comes out.


I just found this cool Japanese/Anime radio site. 91.8 The Fan. I don't know if anyone else would be interested in it, but I like it since it gives me a nice variety of music to listen to while at work (where I have none) :P


Some kids in chat... >> Usually new people to chat understand that you shouldn't swear, especially when some people tell them. But some... :/

Getting hungry and thinking a lot about Pho,

- Kastom
