I hate titles :(

Hey hey,

First off, I want to recommend an awesome movie. It's called "Primer". It was a 2004 science fiction movie, and quite plain and simply, does the best job I've ever seen a movie do when concerning...

Hmmm, actually I don't want to say what it deals with, because that would ruin it slightly.

Basically, it's one of the (if not the) most intellectual, and realistic (yet obviously fictional) takes on this aspect of science fiction. An aspect done oh so many times in film and television. It was a small indie movie, so don't expect anything grand, but at the same time, I have to say I like it more than many Hollywood movies, simply because it has a very different feel to the film style. It just feels so real.

Anyways, I can see many people not liking this, but several people greatly enjoying it (*looks at Pleiades and Shinmaru in particular*). Check it out if you can find it anywhere.

Also, don't read anything about it, otherwise you'll ruin (well, kinda ruin) the main theme of the story.

Other than that bit of plugging, I just wanted to say that I'll be gone for the rest of the week (I'll be back Sunday night). My parents, brother, and I are going south to Vermont for a ski trip at Smuggler's Notch. None of us have ever been there (Smuggler's Notch, we've been to Vermont to ski a few times), but we wanted to try a different place for our big ski trip this year (usually we go to a place in Quebec).

So it should be fun, I plan on getting a bunch of pics of course. I'll post some if there are some particularly good ones. *laughs*

Really wants people to watch Primer,

- Kastom
