Kurama's Heart

I’m sorry for the long wait. It has been an extremely busy time for me at work, and on top of that, for the longest time, the finesses of certain details also kept bogging me down, so I decided to make updating at least two of my fan fictions as one of the NaNoWriMo goals for this year. It worked and I now have a chapter to share. It’s long, but I am really proud of it.

Youko even let someone else start it besides himself. ^^

Youko: *scoffs* I did not let him start. He barged in.

Kurama: *chuckles* It’s a good change of pace from what we have for them.

I hope you like the twists that I hint at to its world here.


Chapter 6: Return to the Dream

As a smashed pop can hit the trashcan, the loud clanging echoed across the hall, Two girls eating bentos on a far bench paused and looked up. Kuwabara winced.

"Sorry, he called out in his gravelly voice, rubbing the back of his orange head with a goofy grin.

He pulled out a couple more coins from the pocket of the grey suit he was wearing and put them in the vending machine, pushing a button. Leaning over after the beat, he pulled out the second coke. Kuwabara popped the lid yet hesitated when he realized the two were still looking at him, one frowning.

"Really," he stated, "a guy's got to have fuel," he placed his finger over his lips, "but I'll try to be more quiet next time," he whispered hoarsely. Reaching above the machine, he retrieved the wrapped deli sandwich.

The girls had begun to talk again. Kuwabara let out a sigh of relief. "I'm getting out of here."

Finding a side door and no one around, he kicked it open.

. . . . . . . . .

Finally outside on a bench on the plaza, Kuwabara closed his eyes and took a big breath. "Man," he breathed, "that was a long meeting." He pulled at collar of his white shirt, tugging the neon green tie loose. "I've got kinks in my neck and I wasn't even under a car this time," he further exclaimed. The big man glanced at his sports watch. "My normal lunch hour has come and gone, too." A moment later, Kuwabara made a face and slapped a hand to his forehead.

"That means I missed Kurama and the lovely hot chicken sandwich special at the diner this week. Oh no...." He let out a loud moan of agony, running his hand further up, messing up the carefully gelled hair, as he rocked back and forth on his shoes.

Sighing, Kuwabara stopped. With a grimace, he held up the small package in his left hand. "This isn't going to be enough."

He glanced around the buildings, picking out the food stands still around. "Perhaps a takoyaki to go with it?" The orange-haired kid stepped forward before his body went rigid with another realization. He fell back onto the bench.

"That also means I have to choose Yukina's gift tonight on my own." He blinked then leaned back on his heels, hand going to his chin, eyebrows furrowing. "Hmmmmm......."

The phone vibration startled him back into reality.

"I’ll figure it out somehow." Digging into his pants pocket, Kuwabara muttered under his breath, "Where, oh where..." He switched pockets then paused. "Oh yeah!" he blurted out loud, "it doesn't go there. Doesn't look good. So it's in-" Kuwabara pulled open his jakect and fumbled with the side. "Where is that hidden pocket. Somewhere around here.... Aha!"

Holding the shuddering phone aloft, the big man grinned. "Got ya." He glanced at the caller ID. "Woops, Kurama called during the meeting. I should have called him before I left. Oh well." Shrugging and flipping the phone open, he typed in the pass code. Kurama's voicemail came through.

"Kuwabara, it's me, Shuichi. I'm afraid I have to cancel our reunion in an hour and half. I hope you get this message in time..."

"Didn't but it's not a problem," Kuwabara mumbled.

".... I'm afraid I underestimated the exam today and should put more hours into studying. ..."

"Woah.... Kurama even.. "Kuwabara wince at another detail, "I'm glad I didn't try to get in."

The message continued.

".... If you still wish to meet before next week, the practical portion of the test will take place in the morning two days from now. Therefore, I will be free that afternoon or evening. "

"Two days... that means Friday which is pool night with Yuusuke. Hmmm..."

"I apologize again for changing my plans this abruptly, but it is imperative that I do this. It is the inevitable course of action when the material turns out to be on a more difficult level than previously anticipated. Farewell."

With no more messages, Kuwabara turned the voicemail off. "As I thought, my match with Yuusuke is still on. He hasn't had the guts to miss it since turning tail last time." (Never mind the fact that he'd seemed a bit sick on the phone). "The question now is whether I invite Kurama there as well or ask one of the guys to cover for me at another time?"

Once more he hummed in thought.

Suddenly, an ecstatic grin lit his face. "That's right," he called out, fisting his hand, "I will. That way Yuusuke has no choice but to give his opinion on my gifts to Yukina. It's perfect." He paused. "But wait a minute, I'm giving Yukina the present this evening... Hmmmm...."

"I'LL JUST GIVE HER ANOTHER!" he hollered. A couple passerbys looked his way with strange expressions. Kuwabara grinned. "Hi there. I have the best girlfriend in the whole world and her name's Yukina," he rambled, grin split over his whole face. "She's so amazing I don't even need a reason to buy her something. How many of you can boast the same?" he dared, completely unaware that his audience had quit paying attention.

He snickered. "Alright then, I need to hurry to my apartment and stalk eBay. Buy a dinner at the convenience store. Oh," he pulled out his phone again, "I should call Kurama first. The plan's dead if he doesn't come." Kuwabara dialed the number.

The phone clicked. Kurama's voiceover echoed out. "You've reached Shuichi Minamino. Leave a message after the tone and I will call you back as soon as I am able. Bye." Another click.

Kuwabara closed his phone. "That's strange. He changed his message and it's shorter, maybe too short for someone like him. Is he that anxious about this exam? Or is it...."
Following a feeling in his gut, he made the call again and made to listen much more closely.

Just as it rang.

Starting, Kuwabara nearly dropped his phone. Pushing the answer button in a hurry and stumbling over his feet in surprise, he, nonetheless, didn't lose connection. "Hello?" he breathed, cautiously.

A moment later, his whole face lit up. "Yukina! You called!"

Kuwabara took off down the road, skipping and speaking in a loud voice, his face split in a childlike smile of joy, completely oblivious to the many looks directed his way as he leapt past people in his business suit.

. . . . . . . . .