Phoenix and Kitsune

Continued from Decisions, decisions, decisions

Gin smirked at the disarray from the park a few blocks away, patting Shinsou with one hand. They wouldn't be forgetting his work any time soon.

His grin faded as he pulled out the dust for the second time since his master had announced his new plan.

"What to do with you?" he called out loud, holding it up to the real sunlight. "You're pretty, dangerous, and tempting. What to do?"

From the clouds above, a familiar voice called out, “Are you talking to yourself or calling for me?” Phoenix did not show herself as she hovered a few feet above Ichimaru.

Gin chuckled and gave a devious grin.  "I'm looking to cause mischief and you seemed interested last time.  Is that enough of an answer, lady fire?"

Phoenix laughed and appeared before him. “Mischief is my middle name. Didn’t you know that?” She titled her head and reached for the vial that now rested on Gin’s chest. “What is it you wish from me?”

"Just a couple more questions about your kind present," he responded. Gin unlocked the chain that held the vial in place so it rested in her hand.   "Does it dilute in liquid?  How strong would the effect be if it was in a small amount?" He paused, tilting his head.  "And would it calm a furious or terrified goddess?"

Phoenix smiled brightly at him and drew the vial closer to her when the chain gave around his neck. “Would you like to see it in action?” She lifted her hand above the park and looked back at Ichimaru.

He grinned like a shark.  "I would like that very much, as long as," here he waved his long hand at himself, "I'm not its ghinea pig.  That defeats the purpose of an objective point of view."

Phoenix chuckled and waved her hand over the park like a farmer sowing seed. A red dust swirled and danced to the earth and settled on the innocent below. It covered about 6 of the few dozen that occupied the park.

“Now what to have them do?” Phoenix said raising her hand to her chin. Resting her fingertips there she tapped her chin lightly with her index finger. “Any suggestions?” She looked to Ichimaru.

"So you do control them completely?" he prompted, an eager light shinning in his blue depths.

“Until death do we part,” Phoenix replied with a soft chuckle.

“I know.” She snapped her fingers as two guys looked up at them. It was seconds later and the two darted off toward a parked car. It was no time and the two had broken in the vehicle and drove off in it another guy running behind them screaming they had stolen his car. At that moment Phoenix heard a girl screaming at her child then strikes the young child. Phoenix narrowed her eyes and looked their way. She snapped her fingers as the woman walked over to a nearby tree and started slamming her head against hard.

“I don’t mind an adult picking on another adult, but a child is off limits.” She looked to Ichimaru her eyes still narrowed. She snapped her fingers again as the woman stopped, and fell to the ground, out cold. Phoenix handed the precious vial back over.