June 1st '09, Monday - 3:51 PM

Dear Nina,
What a day. I woke up late, and well, I still had that big scar on my nose I got for scratching it. And right before I went out to catch the bus, I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed my mom's make-up kit thingy and put some "foundation" or whatever it is called on my nose. I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER PUT MAKE-UP ON! I look pretty without it. :3 But still, there was a big scratch/scar on my nose! Anyways, it helped cover SOME of it. :3 I found out this morning that my homeroom won collecting the most cans when we had none. Actually, my teacher brang ALL of the cans and that meant that we don't get the donuts :P.
First period was cool. Aisha and Betsy were talking to me again! But during P.E., they were mad at me. Good thing we didn't have to change today into our gym uniforms! Anyway, they said that this other girl said I was talking about them. And so, we got into a fight again, and I had a little chat with this "other girl" and she said she never said that. *sighs* And I started crying during Volleyball, a little.
Whatever. Then in Social Studies, we had a substitute. She made us read for like 30 minutes then we played a game of ball with the small ball. And Ariana won once, I almost won twice. Then in Science, Ariana and I were picked to go on a field trip! Yay! Now I have 3 field trips to look foward to before school is over! Then there was a fire drill during Science. When I got home, my dad called and told me that my mom was in the hospital. YEAH I WAS WORRIED! Turns out, she's okay and she just had some chest pain from lifting stuff. I hope she's okay.

P.S. Typed on mom's computer.

Question & Answer:

Q: Why do you have to tell us that the entry was typed on your mom's computer?
A: I just mension it to keep track of how many times I type the entry on my mom's computer.

