May 18th '09, Monday - 5:09 PM

Dear Nina,
Last night, I had the weirdest dream. It wasn't that weird, but it was weird, alright. I was late for school. That's right, late. I only had a minute left and I still had to brush my teeth, change my clothes, etc. And it was just a dream, right? But I woke up, at 6:30 AM. I thought it was 5:30 AM at first. And I took my time and everything. But while eating breakfast, I noticed it was already 7:10 AM, and not 6:10 AM. Of course I checked the computer and stuff and well, I was late! So I rushed and rushed, just like my dream. Except this time, I had 5 minutes to change my clothes, brush my teeth, get everything packed, etc. Wow. Just like my dream.
Today we went to the Book Fair during Language Arts (2 periods). It was "Buy 1 get 1 Free", but they had NOTHING. Well, they had SOMETHING. But they had very boring books. I wanted to get this other book. Oh well. During Social Studies, we had to present our presentations. The bell was about to ring, and we were still finishing our presentation. And I had to talk fast. My partner then told me I did good, and so did my teacher, but when I was trying to open my locker, I started coughing. Yes, my throat was soar, and I talked really fast, so while struggling to open my locker, I finally opened it, and found some water at the bottom of my locker. Talk about lucky! My throat was really itchy that my eyes started getting watery!
Then I got home. I couldn't stay after school cause my parents can't pick me up. They had to go somewhere. And they said they would be gone for atleast an hour when I get home. And so I just called Betsy and we talked. I tried doing some Yoga moves, but I'm not that type of person. And it has already passed 2 hours and 16 minutes. 15 minutes ago, I called my mom and asked her what's up, and she said she'll be here in about 30 minutes. And so, well, what do you think I did? I BIKED! I grabbed my bike and went biking. Yes, I'm not allowed to, but still. I couldn't stand it! I only biked for 13 minutes though, but it seemed longer. Yeah, that was fun. BUT THAT'S OUR SECRET! Don't tell my parents cause they would expload! But you don't know my parents, so, okay.

P.S. Typed on mom's computer.

Question & Answer:

Q: Did you see that drawing Kachi dedicated to you?
A: Yes, yes I did. AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL. I love it!! Thanks Kachi! You're a wonderful friend *huggles*!

