May 15th '09, Friday - 10:37 PM

Dear Nina,
WHAT A GREAT DAY! Yeah, Algebra was boring cause it was two periods long, and yeah I had to take a BIG TEST in Social Studies. But in Science, I had fun actually talking to the people on my table while doing a project. After school, Betsy and Ariana stayed after with me. And we played around. We even saw my scary Social Studies teacher who said that she loves to scare Aisha cause she's scared of her, and when she walked outside, she said, "What beautiful weather!" Wow, she's now one of my favorite teachers. I thought she hated me! Anyway, we talked about books and stuff. Sadly, Betsy had to leave first. Then it was just me and Ariana talking and having snacks. Then my dad picked me up, with my brother already.
When we got home, we played outside a little longer after dinner. I mean, this time, I got my bike out! YAY! It was fun! We did that for like 1 hour. And yes, I fell down and got a owie on my leg, but that always happens. When my mom got home, we actually went walking. But I went biking. It was fun cause my brother went scootering instead. And I biked uphill and downhill, through little forests, in my huge neighborhood. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! And we saw a river. Wow. And then it started getting dark and we headed home. WOW. I could't see that much, but it was AWESOME. It was like a movie. Anyway, when I got home, I was exhausted. I took a shower. That means I've been biking for about 3 hours.
I was just talking to Betsy and Ariana. Yes, on the phone. We were doing this 3-way-call thing and it was hard at first. But then I got the hang of it. It was fun!! And we would hang up and talk to the other person. Ariana knows more about it, so she helped us! And she had to leave first. So it was just me and Betsy! And we just talked about the movie we were watching on TV together, sang songs, and more. I have great friends!!

Question & Answer:

Q: Do you wear glasses?
A: No. I have okay vision though.

