April 23rd '09, Thursday - 8:08 PM

Dear Nina,
Okay, today was better. My dad actually dropped me off at school. We first had Algebra for two periods (not bad), then we had P.E. (we played Badminton), then I had Tech Ed (just a teensy bit better), then Social Studies. We retook a test and I think I did better! After school, I didn't ride the bus home. My dad picked me up from school and we went to the library for like 1 hour! IT WAS PRETTY EXCITING FOR ME!
I love the Public Library. Staying there for a longer time made me happy. I got a Meg Cabot book, a scary manga called Dragon Head, and Avalon High Manga #2. I was looking for that Avalon High Manga #2 for like 10 minutes. The computer said it wasn't checked out yet, but I couldn't find it! I knew I saw it near the comic section before. After, I gave up and just started looking at the manga. Then I saw it with the manga! I WAS SO HAPPY! Then I recalled that I did see it there once before.
Then we picked up my brother from school and for some reason, we went back to the library because I returned one of my brother's books. Phft. Then after that, we went to this lake to check it out cause my dad says he's gonna buy a boat! Then we went home and yada-yada. It was an okay day. It could have been better. Wait, what am I saying!? It was a beautiful day, and I loved it.

Question & Answer:

Q: What's your favorite number?
A: Running out of questions, eh? Well, I guess it's 2. Random.

