April 8th '09, Wednesday - 12:58 PM

Dear Nina,
Day Four of Wisconsin
So right now I’m typing this on Microsoft Word. I should be able to post this up after my dad gets the internet back. Okay. I’ve had a bad day today. Why? I woke up, and I stepped in dog *cough* poop. Yes, I was upset about that. And then I fainted because lack of water. Yes, I’m okay. But I never really fainted before. It’s so weird! I mean, first I’m walking, and then I feel like I’m resting, and when someone came to my aid, I felt like I was sleeping. And then when I got on the bed, I felt better, and I didn’t remember much. Is that how it feels to black out? Weird. But don’t worry, Kami’s okie dokie!
That was a bad morning, yes. But after that, I read Life As We Knew It. Okay, what a GOOD book. I read for like 3 hours straight. After, I ate, and we went to the movies. We went to watch Monsters Vs. Aliens. Anouther, great. I LOVED IT! What a great movie. I love when B.O.B. says “We are here to destroy you”. My brother keeps saying that. Hehe. My favorites are B.O.B. and Susan. It wasn’t as funny as Kung Fu Panda, but it was pretty good. And we watched it in 3-D! It was cool in 3-D!
After that, we went back to the mall. Yeah, mall. And we went to stores to buy clothes. Then we went to the food court and I ate Chinese food. YUM! Sesame chicken and noodles are great! Then we went to Barnes & Noble. We stayed there for, I think, 2 hours. In Wisconsin, they have big book stores. And you should have seen all the books! There were so much that there were computers at every section to help you find the books you want. And I found two books I’ve been wanting to read for a while but couldn’t find at the Public Library or my local Barnes & Noble. *sniff* So much Manga! I didn’t buy anything though. *sobs* But I am planning to buy some other Manga when we get back to my real home!

Question & Answer

Q: Are you enjoying Wisconsin?
A: Yes, yes I am.

