February 11th '09, Wednesday - 3:54 PM

Dear Nina,
Oh my, what a mixed up day. At first it was bad, then it was good. What type of day is that? Well this morning, my mom offered to drop me off at school. Which was really nice of her, cause I love being dropped of at school instead of riding the bus. So far, so good. And then during homeroom, I was all happy for no reason, even though they didn't mension my name on the intercom yet for creating an AR Test. So far, okay. Then we had P.E. Like I told you before, I tried my hardest yesterday practicing push-ups for today's Fitness Testing. And you can't believe what happend! I ended up not having a partner, and Amy Frank (my friend in 6th grade, who also didn't have a partner), just ignored me. Good thing I was pared up with someone else instead of her, a snotty girl. Serves her right, she got pared up with the teacher. HA!
Anyway, after that, I was still happy, cause that was a little thing. Then next we had Algebra. Then Jordan, the irritating boy, who I thought was now being nice to be, started being mean to me again. Now that hurt. Alot. Good thing my teacher announced to us that the only 2 people in our grade who got 100% was this other girl and me. Yay. I'm proud of myself! But then in Social Studies, I wanted to go to the library. Okay, so there were already 4 people out, no big deal, but then my teacher called me Micaiah. Micaiah is this boy in my class who looks nothing like me. SHE ALWAYS MESSES IT UP! And this time, she didn't correct herself as if she thought that really was my name. OMG! That hurt even more! I mean, it's one thing to call me that once or twice at the beginning of school. BUT THIS IS LIKE THE 100TH TIME! I HATE HER! *calms down* Then at lunch, my friend Betsy said she was going to sit next to me. Guess what? She decides to sit next to Aisha instead. After that, I just gave up. I didn't care anymore.
In Science, we just played with worms. Yes, it was gross, but remember? I didn't care anymore. Things started looking up on the bus ride home. I'm happy it did. It was sunny, and the temperature was perfect! I even read my book cause only one of the 8th grader boys were there (and if there's only one, he has nobody to talk to, so he's silent). Yes, that part of the day was nice. Life is hard sometimes.

P.S. Typed on mom's computer cause I'm too lazy to go upstairs to type it on on my own computer.

Question & Answer:

Q: When is the next dance?
A: Ha, I'm glad you asked. It's on Friday. I hope my friends go, cause I might.

