January 21st '09, Wednesday - 6:56 PM

Dear Nina,
OH MY GOSH! Anouther weird day! But before I tell you about my day I want to tell you about yesterday after typing the entry. Before I got ready to watch American Idol, I watched Access Hollywood. They had awesome footage of the President Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration. It's kind of funny, because watching the Inauguration yesterday during Social Studies, I don't remember anything that Access Hollywood showed. Did you know Michelle Obama got lost at the beginning? And remember when they were saying bye to Previous President Bush? Did you know what he said? He said, "Have the time of your life." I don't know why, but that gives me goosebumps. I'm sorry, but that just inspires me somehow. I love that he said that! Anyway, they talked about Michelle, Malia, and Sasha's style. And I didn't even know that they shared the stage with Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers! I didn't know that until watching Access Hollywood. Seriously. Miley and the Jonas Brother really are famous enough to meet the President's wife and daughters (I'm not sure if Barack was there though). Wow.
Anyhoo! My day went like this: Ordinary in Health, Chorus, Language Arts, Algebra, and Social Studies. That's basically almost all the classes, right? But during the end of the day, in Science, this boy in my class, Brock, said there was a little fire in the boy's bathroom. He said there was a roll of toilet paper on the floor with sparkes. And then we thought it was nothing, until we heard the fire alarm. And if you don't know yet, it's FREEZING COLD outside. We had to wait in the cold for 10 minutes! And everyone was freezing! I felt like crying because even my eyes were cold! I couldn't take this cold, I really just felt like I was going to die. Finally we went back inside (thank goodness), but then, we heard on the intercom that there was a fire in the boy's bathroom. Wow, I didn't know it was that much of a big deal at first. And then the principal asked for the bathroom sign-in sheets from the teachers. This must be serious. They think somebody did it. Brock said that there was a boy in the bathroom before him. When he said for him to get help when he saw the fire, he said the boy didn't get help at all. Scary! And when the bell rang and it was time to go, I saw that the FBI, police officers, and the ambulance were here. OMG! FBI? Police Officers? AT MY SCHOOL!?
I gotsta tag myself:
1. I've been having weird days lately.
2. I had a weird dream last night, involving Sonic, babies, and a test.
3. The dream was about Sonic being a hero because this guy would give you a test and if you were wrong, he would squish your baby.
4. I still haven't cleaned my room yet.
5. My entries for this journal are somewhat longer than the entries in the book The Princess Diaries.
6. After reading the book, I'm going to watch the movie.
7. I got 100% on all my worksheets in Science today (and one of them got 3 points extra credit)!!
8. I'm still weird.
I tag otakufangirl!

P.S. I made up a riddle on the bus:
Riddle: What type of human cannot be seen by other humans, but only by the sun?
Answer: An Invisible Human!
Get it? Cause you can't see a invisible person, but the sun can because the invisible person is sold, so the light can't go through the sold person, allowing the invisible person to have a shadow! Lame, I know.

Question & Answer:

Q: Who is Nina?
A: If your new to reading this journal, Nina is the name of well, this journal. You can skip back and read the very first entry on March 20th to get the idea, if you want.

