November 30th '08, Sunday - 9:34 PM

Dear Nina,
I don't want to go to school! Four days off isn't enough! This weeknend, I planned to replying to everyone's comments the past 2-3, clean up my binder, watch Death Note, go shopping, and read. I'm really not successful in getting things done myself. I only managed to reply to everyone's comments, clean up my binder, watch a little of Death Note, and go shopping. Hey! I almost finish doing all of that! I am partly successful! But, I kinda planned to watch more of Death Note today. I won't have time to read though. Oh well...
I have nothing to talk about! *groan* My life is boring these days. I remember the first few weeks I started this journal, I had alot to talk about. Mostly the topics were about friends in 6th grade, missing Luckychan101, going swimming everyday, watching movies, etc. I once had a entry about a fire near Target [March 30th '08 Entry]. Come to think of it, my life is pretty boring sometimes. Well, sometimes it's not that boring. I mean, c'mon! I've been to Egypt, France, Mexico, Germany (lived there for 5 years), Mexico, and other places! Yet, my life is boring whenever I'm not on vacation! Nothing. To. Talk. About.
Speaking of vacation, I've been wondering about something from time to time. And that something is: What happends when I go on vacation? I'm serious. Am I going to bring my laptop and still type normal entires that include my thoughts about that vacation, or not type the entries? That'll be a problem for me. This is supposed to be a DAILY journal. Not weekly, or monthly, and expecially not every other day. I guess it'll have to be a "almost daily" journal, right? Well I shouldn't worry about it until the day comes.

Question & Answer:

Q: Do you make avatars?
A: No. I've never really tried it. I once made an avatar on MS Paint (the onigiri one), but that's it.

