November 23rd '08, Sunday - 8:15 PM

Dear Nina,
Today was the day! We went to this place so we could set up our table to sell our items for the Christmas Store! There were lots of people selling things on their table, but I have to admit, ours looked more decorative. Ours was of course the coolest! Today was the day I was suppose to earn 40% of our profit for the Christmas Store! My mom has been decorating, wrapping, and writing down prices of the items for over 7 hours. Today was the day we were supposed to sell our items and earn alot of money. Sadly, we didn't. We had 6 hours to sell our items, and we only had so little customers! WHHHHHHAHAAA *cries*. I'm still sad about it. We were suppossed to earn over $300. But we only got $46. Plus, we had to buy the rent for the table for $10. Which gives us $36. And that gives me about $14 [40% of $36]. This morning when we after we tidied up our table, nobody came to buy any of our stuff. At first, we just thought that was normal. Until and hour past, and we only had 1 customer so far. Throughout the whole day, we had only 4 or 5 customers. That's it. Of course I'm upset. After all the time we've give in into this, even the stains on my Ping-Pong table. To make it worse, this little boy stole our little stuffed bear. I HATE HIM! He just came by, took it, and ran out of the building. We weren't able to catch him. UGH!! I hope his parents find out and ground him FOREVER! Just thinking about when he took the stuffed bear (which was $4) and running away with it, makes me so mad. Anyway, this was a very disappointing day for all of us. *sniff* 4-5 customers. I feel bad for my mom the most. She did all that, for nothing. *sob* I HATE THAT BOY!
Oh em gee have you seen the TheOtaku News? SOOO COOL! I love new features. They always make TheOtaku seem like an awesome place! Anyhoo! TheOtaku News Nuggets wasn't what I expected at first. I thought it going to be like a Fan Word, a loooonnngg article. But it's just like a little summary and maybe a fan art. At least I don't have to read that much when I check it out.
Death Note. I love it, so much. IT'S LIKE SO ENTERTAINING ME! I'm in the middle of Episode 7 right now! Since my computer has the "Cyber Sitter" thing installed still, it won't let me watch Death Note because it has "death" in the URL. *sobs* But my mom's computer lets me watch it all I want *yays*. So I was watching it on my mom's computer. It's pretty sad that my mom's (laptop) computer can only stay on the counter (mom's rules), so I can't sit on the bed and watch. Oh well... But back to the point: I LOVE DEATH NOTE SO MUCH! So exciting, isn't it? Unpredictable.

Question & Answer:

Q: Do you like Death Note better than Inuyasha or Pokémon?
A: Ugh, I'm not sure. I LOVE both Inuyasha and Pokémon, and Death Note is still new to me. I don't know. Maybe I'll change my mind in time.

