July 29th '08, Tuesday - 11:15 PM

Dear Nina,
Today I finished drawing Stixx's Donut Request on MS Paint and acually got ot submit it! It acually turned out great. At first, I was thinking about just drawing one Donut, then I decided to make alot more donuts! I got carried away and my drawing turned out to be a picture of Donuts stacked onto each other built into the Eiffel Tower. Then it didn't look like an Eiffel Tower because it was viewed on the top, so I had make a Front View. Next it didn't look nice withought a background, so I added the background. And last, I added text. My one Donut Request for Stixx turned into an Eiffel Tower made out of Donuts! I call it The Eiffel Donut:

External Image

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Beautiful, isn't it? Remember, I'm only doing 5 Requests (if I get all of them done, I might change my mind)! I'm already doing Requests for:

  • Stixx - DONE
  • ms Ai
  • lunastarz
  • Kachikamac

ONLY ONE MORE REQUEST! Hurry before someone takes it!
Ugh. I have so much to do! I still haven't gotten anything finished on my Main To-Do Lists (except to go to Paris), and I have only 1 more month to finish it all! I also have to do the Virtual Donut Store (which is pretty fun, so I don't really mind). I'm going crazy here! I don't know what to do first. I know I always say this but, I'm pretty sure that I'll finish atleast 5 things on the list tomorrow... I hope.
I just finished watch I Survived A Japanese Game Show! It was hilarious! [SPOILER WARNING] On the first round, each team [the Yellow Penguin and the Green Monkey] had to go on the "You Go This Way, I Go That Way" Course (I think that's what's it called. It's really funny cause the woman has to wear the tux, and the man has to wear the dress :P. First, each person had to spin around extremely fast for a while. Then they had to do the stunt. The winners was the Green Monkeys! And they got to go to one of the finest Hotels in the WORLD in China. Their suite was bigger than my house! And it had a SWIMMING POOL! The loosers had to go to this very, very, very, very cheap hotel. Their dining room was a tabel as big as a chair. And they didn't even have rooms. They had to sleep in this oven-like bed. I think that's kind of cool :3. At the end, the Illimination Round was funny! It was a Changing Contest! All you have to do is change into clothes before the oppenent. They had to dress into a Demon, a very weird creature, and a Harajuku Girl! It was a very funny episode! Oh, and for those who asked before: I I Survived A Japanese Game Show is always on Tuesdays 9/8c. Hope you watch!

