July 16th '08, Wednesday - 10:26 PM

Dear Nina,
A very long day for Kami-chan. Today I went to Washington D.C., and yes, it took us a long time to drive there. But that's okay, I bought a really cool souvenir, so it was worth the drive. So you wanna know what the souvenir is, right? It's a Shojo Beat! magazine *hugs Shojo Beat!*. I know you can buy it anywhere, but it's the "Special Edition" and I happend to buy it in Washington D.C., so there. It's special *hugs it again*. I love the Shojo Beat! magazines alot. I've been collecting them since I lived in Germany. WHAT? You've never heard of the Shojo Beat! magazine? *gasp* You should be ashamed of yourself! It's a magazine, that's all about Japan. It has recipes on how to make Sushi, onigiri, tofu, and more Japanese food, the latest "Japanese Styles" *screams Fan girl scream, which is really annoying*, a list of places/sites where you could buy Japanese clothes [ , harajuku, etc.], shows you the latest Manga, teaches you how to draw Manga, horoscopes, and last but not least, HAS MANGA CHAPTERS! It acually has over 5 Manga chapters from different Manga inside it. Some of my favorites: Apsolute Boyfriend, Vampire Knight, and Baby and Me. There's alot more too. Shojo Beat! is like a magazine with the Japan in it. Any Japanese lover would love this book. See more at ShojoBeat.com.
Since I got back from Washington D.C. at 8:00 PM, I didn't get to go on the computer that much. The only thing I was able to draw on MS Paint today is anouther hair braid. TODAY'S DRAWING: HAIR BRAID. So here's anouther Hair Braid, in black:

Tomorrow I might have time to draw anouther thing on MS Paint and probably submit more art. But no promises! I'm acually getting better on MS Paint! I'LL SOON BE THE CHAMPION!!
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!! I acually beat a 'Hard Level' song on Guitar Hero: On Tour. I still can't believe it. I acually beat 2 songs. Today I took Stixx's advice and kept trying, and she was right! If I try hard enough, I should be able to atleast beat 1 level. Sooner or later, you'll be reading from the Guitar Hero Champion. I'll be on the 'Expert Level' and be on top of the state, then country, then continent! AND I'LL RULE THE WORLD!! Muwahawahahahawa. Heh, I was just kidding. Why aren't you laughing? LAUGH I SAY!! Oh, and one more thing: If you have Guitar Hero: On Tour, tell me. I need to know, for my own personal reasongs :3

P.S. I just joined the Engrossed by Darkness club! It's really cool and spooky. You should join if you like tragic or scary endings *evil chuckle*...

Ask Kami:

Q: TwoFacedLullaby - What are the top 3 things you're addicted to? You can't say anime or an anime, and only one can be a website.
A: You are strict :P. Why do you make things hard for me?
1. My computer (I named Toshiba :3)
2. TheOtaku
3. MY TABLET [if I had one...]

Q: xaos - What is your favorite type of music?
A: I like Japanese Music, Funny Random Songs, and something upbeat.

