May 23rd '08, Friday- 9:38 PM

Dear Nina,
WHAA! The library closed to today. Isn't that sad? I guess if you think of it in a way, it can be a good thing. I guess I'm a teasny winsey bit happy that I don't have to worry about finishing the books on time. Like for instance, I had to wake up at 6:00 AM to finish my book (I wake up at 6:30 AM). I'm really lucky that I finish my book today. It was like the best book ever! Well, next to Twilight. It was kind of scary too. It's called Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator. That was a good book. Anyways, I guess I'll have to live with no- with no- with no- BOOKS for the rest of the year *starts crying*
Today we got our yearbooks! Remember when I measioned that my picture didn't turn out so good, and that I probably blinked? Well, I didn't blink. But my hair was all messed up in the picture! It made me look all weird. All the people who bought year books could see my picture, of me with the weird hair. That's just really embarasing.
After school today, at like 6:00 PM, we went to go get some Ice Cream at this park. I met this girl. At first, I walked past her, because I'm not good at making friends unless I'm in school. I don't know why. Well, when I walked past her, she said "Hi." I knew that she was trying to start a conversantion but, all I could say was "Hey." Then, when I finished my Ice Cream, she came over and started talking to me. I guess I got a little shy at first. But then, I just started talking, like magic! Then she game me her Phone Number. I guess we're really going to be good friends. By the way, her name is Abby. When Abby left, I just played with my 6 year old brother, and his friends. Then, I got too tired playing with some little babies, so played some catch with my mom. Wow, she's was really good at catching and throwing. I messed up so many times. And I thought I was way better than her.
Gaia Online is very confusing. I don't know how to 'Pick up Trash' or 'Trade things'. Sometimes it says you can use BB Code, but it sometimes doesn't let you change the font or the size, when it says it will. That really annoys me. But the thing that made me happy about Gaia Online is that Luckychan101 and ShikamaruRocks [Sukki-chan on Gaia Online] sent me a welcome present. The funny thing is, they both sent me the same thing. Now what am I going to do with the other present? I'm planning to give them both a present! One problem: HOW DO YOU SEND PRESENTS?!

Note to People I owe a Request to - Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry your requests are taking to long. Recently, my Microsoft Paint hasn't been working. And my scanner is not doing any better. I'm so sorry. I'll try to submit the art in June? Is that okay?

P.S. Ha ha ha! I am the Champion of the "Cupcake Wars" game. I already beat that game 2 times. It's so easy! All you have to do is hold down the Arrow Key. It takes less than 5 minutes to win. When your already ate like 200 Cupcakes, you'll start growing bigger. Than, you'll be so big you'll be this size of half of the screen! At the end, the big cupcake will says something like, we the cupcake race means no harm. Something like that. I don't want to be a spoiler, so find out yourself! Good luck.

