May 20th '08, Tuesday - 4:58 PM

Dear Nina,
I don't think I ever told you this but, I joined Gaia Online already. Someone already asked if I would join. So just to let you know, I joined last year. All I did was register and I haven't been on it then. I don't know anything about it! If you have an account tell me, AMEDIATLEY! I would love for you to tell me about it and give me a little tour. My Username is: Kamirara-chan.
Yesterday, I joined Live Journal! I didn't want to use Freewebs anymore for various reasons, personal too. I didn't even get to finish my website though! I only got the Home Page done, and it still has bugs :P. Today I tried using Live Journal, but it's really hard! Does anyone know about it? I have no clue what to do! How to you Add a Post? IT'S SO CONFUSING! That's why I go on TheOtaku. TheOtaku is so easy, plane and simple. It doesn't have random buttons everywhere. I love how Adam made this site so helpful.
Today was the Aquarium Field Trip! It was so fun! I saw all the sharks, and the fish. The part I hated the most, was when we went into the Rain Forest. I was all excited, right? There was so much things to look at! All the flowers, fish, and animals. There were plants everywhere! I looked up, and next thing I know it, something landed on me. It landed on my cheek. It was yellow. EWWW!! I didn't think I knew what it was, so I was freaking out. One of the Tour Men told me to calm down. He said it was only pollen. I gave a sigh of relief. That really grossed me out. I thought it was poop :P.
Yesterday, my friend and I started to fight again. I don't even want to say what I said and what she said. But then, it all worked out *sigh of relief*. We started talking about type of "Nicknames" people made for us. Some people called her "Gong-Hey-FAT-choi Nerd". And some people call me "Asian Freak". Then, we both started laughing about it later. She might even join Gaia Online too! I wander what her nickname would be.

Contest News: Hurry up and submit your art! The Deadline is getting closer, and closer, and closer, and closer...

