May 5th '08, Monday - 3:54 PM

Dear Nina,
Today we got our report cards! I got all A's! And one E... Well, I'm not the type of girl who would get an E. I think they messed it up or something. If they didn't, boy would I get busted. I started reading Translucent #1 today. It's SO good. I just love it. It's about a girl who has this desease and it makes her invisable. It's so exciting.
I noticed that Luckychan101's contest ended a while ago. I wander who won. *cough* Me *cough* No I'm just kidding. Mine didn't even look that good. I can kiss my chance goodbye to be in Lucky's new Manga. *sigh* Today Contest's Contest ended. Guess who won? Not me! I was like 3rd place or something. I wish I couldv'e won. I was so close. Oh well...
Speaking of Luckychan101, today she finally finished the banner! It's so kawaii. I feel kind of guilty for making Lucky make anouther one for me. Sorry Lucky. I just couldn't help it! Her banners are so adorable. She made this one for my blog:

Today when I got home, I noticed that my dad was fixing my Ceiling Fan. We finally bought one yesterday. Anyways, when we decided to test it out, it started going CRAZY! It kept spinning and spinning! It made a screechy noice. Then, my dad yelled, "TURN OF THE LIGHTS!!" I did what he said, and when the fan stopped, it was half broken. I'm lucky I'm alive. Phew!

Note to Commenters - Sorry I haven't been replying for a long time now. I just have so much to do. This includes ShikamaruRocks, mewmewlover55, blueangel110, Stixx, and krokun. When I get enough time, I promise, I'll be replying everyone's comments. Back and forth. Thank-you

P.S. My computer is so mean! It keeps on not saving my stuff. How mean!! My hand hurts from wacking it with my fist the past hour. Just kidding!

