July 13th '09, Monday - 10:21 PM

Dear Nina,
Whoa! Anouther day home. Yay. Not. Anyway, I had to get up early cause my parents were leaving to go to work, and my mom made waffles, and I had to eat them. Anyway, when they left, my brother was still sleeping, so I just fell asleep again as well. Then I got up at 9:00 AM to eat the waffles, and just, well, read. Read what? Guess. Fruits Basket of course. Impressively, I only read 1 and a half chapters. Great. I really do have self-control after all! YAY! Then we ate lunch and watched Finding Nemo (brother's pick). Then we had a snack while watching just random channels.
After, we just continued on watching TV while shooting those Nerf bullets at each other. Yeah. We watched episodes of my brother's favorite TV shows. I actually enjoyed some of the shows, but I just drew during the boring ones. I drew alot of pictures! Then my dad arrived home and then my mom did like 20 minutes after him. Then we got ready and went for a walk to find berries.
I did not want to go. But anyway, I convinced them to let me ride my bike. I'm glad, cause it was a long berry hunt. Then we just went through the woods and stuff. It was fun. It was pretty hard on my bike. I mean, there were ALOT of hills. But anyway, I only fell once. And my brother laughed. Annoying boy. And I was too busy riding my bike to collect berries. I haven't rode my bike since... before "their" visit. WHHAA! Anyway, we went through the neighborhood. And then when it got a little dark, we saw fireflies! ALOT!! WOW! Everywhere! Haha! Then my dad tried my bike and it was funny! Then we finally arrived home. Good day.

Question & Answer:

Q: How long did it take you to type this?
A: 17 minutes. Wow. I had to stop alot of times in between though.

