Kami's Online Daily Journal

Dear Nina,
Finally a place where I can jot down my daily life!
A little place on TheOtaku just for me.
Where my fans could read all about my life.
All about my real life outside the internet.
But what should I call it?
A diary, a forum, a blog?
No, how about a journal...

Started Journal on:
March 20th '08, Thursday
Days Missed: 0

Daily Journal Ended. (Journal Entries)


December 29th '08, Monday - 9:28 PM

Dear Nina, Okay I have to finish typing this entry in no later than 9:40 PM to catch a show on TV, so lets see if I can. Today I stayed home. I'll be staying home this whole week probably. Both of my parents have to work and there's no...

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September 17th '08, Wednesday - 9:51 PM

Dear Nina, Question & Answer Q: AHHHH! Why did I just scream? A: Because I only have 10 minutes to finish this entry and it usually takes me like 15 minutes. Q: Why am I doing this 'Question & Answ...

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