I Feel Like Crap

i did go eat lunch with my friends, and i was a lot of fun. i scared b-chan cuz she thought she was hearing things when i called to her. and i was nice to everyone i hated and at the end of lunch one of the girls who was in my class yelled really loudly from across the room "Samantha! hey girl!" it was really funny. but now i'm sick. i don't know if it's just allergies or not. my stomach hurts and is making weird noises, my nose is stuffy, my head hurts, and my throat hurts so bad i can barely talk. and it's not helping that i woke up at six this morning because some yahoos were outside yelling. i'm just want to go back to bed.
that's really all i have to post today. very short >_<

Today's Random Thought: Me and my friends are the kind of people who would spend hours trying to drown a fish.
