I Hate Titles

I haven't been commenting lately, and I feel bad about it. So i will try to comment today.
i have 2 quizzes today and no tests! yay! and today is Bible study day, so I don't have to watch my class. Not that I don't like Bible class, I do. it's just that pastor jim tends to get very... animated, and yells, which i don't like. ooh, wasn't pastor jim the name of the guy in Supernatural? creepy. i've been on a supernatural kick lately lol. miley was looking up pictures of joe jonas yesterday and up popped a picture of Jensen Ackles (dean). she printed it out for me and now i am a happy fangirl ^_^
i have nothing to say... uh, my friend l-chan might be coming over next sunday ^^ and i updated my daughter of dracula story on quizilla. and that's really it. wow. i'm boring. well, off to start school i guess.

Today's Random Thought: I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.
