I'm Never Going to Sleep Again TT_TT

it's been two nights since my sleepover, and i haven't had a decent night's sleep since. last night there was a storm that kept me up and the night before i couldn't fall asleep and ended up going to the living room and sleeping in the chair.
i feel kind of fancy lol. i put on nail polish and it always makes me feel fancy for some reason. it's black with red sparkles in it, but they're tiny and you have to look close to see them. i think it looks vampire-ish lol. i got it when r-chan came over and we went to the mall. i also got some plain black nailpolish, pretty earrings, scrapbook paper, Japan stickers for my scrapbook, and chopsticks with sheep on them because I'm year of the sheep. i wanted to get a death note bag with L on it, because it was only eight bucks, but i only had five T_T and then i told my mom about it and hse said "you know, i have your allowance." which is ten dollars. TT_TT i was very sad.
what else is new....? oh! there's a slight (very slight. like almost nonexistant) chance that I may be able to go to an official con! yay! i can't remember what it's called though. >_< it's in bowling green, which is several hours away from where i live so my mom doesn't really want to drive me. she said she'd rather take me to anime punch because it's closer. this is what she did when i wanted to go to ohayo con. not this time sami, i'll take you to the next one. so i really hope i can go!!!
my back hurts. i have horrible posture when i sit at the computer XD
i need to go poke around my grandma's closet, because she said the video camera is in there somewhere and i want to learn how to use it. because i'm probably the only person in the family who could figure it out XDD even though I'm technologically challenged, there are some things that i'm actually ok at. one is figuring out the basics of something without the instructions haha. also our camera is pretty old, so it's bound to have less buttons and do fewer things, making it even easier ^^ I'd like to record my litle cousin being crazy. then again, knowing her, she'll probably tried to lick the camera or something. but hey, then we can send it to america's funniest home videos ^_^

Today's Random Thought: I'm not so good at the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
