I Need Coffee

well, he's still gone so i'm still a little sad. but me and this girl from my church have started talking more, so i'm happy and sad at the same time lol.
i got an easter card from donnie today, which i did not read. i did however take out the ten dollars, so i am now six dollars away from a pirates of the caribbean lamp! it's shaped like the black pearl and has jack standing on the deck holding his compass and it's so cool! at least, so says my uncle. i haven't actually seen it yet since no one will take me to home depot. curse my lack of a drivers lisence. which i still can't spell right.
my uncle was telling me and my grandma yesterday about his granddaughter, my cousin, who is one and has learned that if you kick people, it hurts them. she finds this hilarious. so we have to watch out on sunday lol. she also gives her baby brother kisses, which i find is the most adorable thing in the entire world. but other than that, she doesn't care about little baby isaac at all lol.
there is no mentor program this tuesday because the kids have spring break. and speaking of spring break, FINALLY!!!!! I'm on spring break!! and i don;t even have to do makeup work like miley does! so so happy. and the day i have to start school again, i don't have biology class. i get to read a book about creation. I'm thinking something by Ken Ham, I'm pretty sure my mom has some of his books. i'm kind of babbling now, so changing the subject.
does anyone believe in psychic abilities? b-chan has been having these weird dreams where something happens to her, and then later it happens to someone else in real life. like one of them happened to me. she dreamed that there was this guy that she really liked, and felt like he was the person she was meant to be with. she got his phone number and then he left for like medical training or something. well, right before the guy that i like left, i asked for his cell phone number and he gave it to me. and this was like the day after she had this dream. so when he gets back i'm going to ask him what he wants to be and if it has anything to do with medicine i will be freaked out. this isn't the first time it's happened either, she dreamed about padssing out at school and a girl did. she dreamed she got sick and her sister did. and she dreamed that her grandpa died and her sister's friend's grandpa died. creepy stuff.
i will try to put up my picture of Haruka, my death note OC, later today, but no promises. >_<

Today's Random Thought: Chaos, panic, and disorder... My work here is done.
