
I hate tuesdays. the mentor program at my church. i feel bad about it, i know it's a great thing for the kids, but it stresses me out. it shouldn't but it does. i'm kind of just looking forward to summer when i'll be working and have an excuse not to be there >_< i am such a terrible person.
i realized last night that i still haven't put up any of the pictures that i said i would. so i feel bad about that too. *bangs head on desk*
i hope my mom gets put on call for work tonight, if she does i get to go to my old school tomorow for lunch, and it's b-chan's birthday so i really want to! my mom was on call last night. so very slight chance she will be tonight.
i still can't type >_<
i got a message from my friend janet today, i was so happy ^^ we haven't talked in a while. i tihnk it's funny how well we get along, because she's 61 lol. she travels a lot, and the other day sent me a message that there was an anime convention at the same hotel she was at and "everyone was in costume and they weren't self-conscious at all!" and i was like "i know isn't it great!" lol. she's actually interested in anime, which surprised me.
me and b-chan were talking about random things last night, and it led to death note. it always does lol. rabid fangirls we be XD and i said that watari is the kind of guy who i'd be afraid to be on his bad side, because you know he used to be a spy or something XDD watari is awesome, i didn't want him to die. or L. or naomi. darn it raito stop killing my favorite characters!!
well, off to get started on school. joy.

Today's Random Thought: All my heroes are ninjas.
