Selling My Art

Yeah, I'm selling most of the pieces I made for AP Art; kind of in need of the money. My boyfriend(<3) is paying for the application to SCAD(my dream school!) because my parents are determined to stick me in the same lousy school as my older brother. He doesn't want me there, and I don't want to be there. I would've applied earlier, but my parents refused to pay for the application so I couldn't. Hopefully I'll get some scholarships from SCAD if I get in because since my dad didn't give me the tax information for my FAFSA, which I've been asking for since January, I snooped around in their room and dug them up on my own and was at least able to fill out the form VERY last minute, leaving me with no free money.

Anyway, any cash would help. My goal now is to finish the first installment of G33K!! by the end of June so I can put it up for sale and maybe be able to earn a little bit of cash from that. I've got a written plot summary down and now I'm working on the drafts for the first chapter.

You can look at the pieces I have up for sale here:
Once I get my 5 quality pieces done I'll put them up there too. They're these:
-Running on Coca-Cola Time
-DJ's Coke
-Out of this World

Sorry for sounding like a money-grubbing puss =( I don't mean to...I love you <3
