The Guy That Just Won't Get It

This is going to sound like a complete shojou conflict, but it's happening-and I wish it wasn't.
A new guy just transfered into our IB class about a week ago. He immediately started hitting on every girl he ran into. He somehow developed an unreasonable fancy to me and kept trying to hit on me. It worked for a while but he did something completely idiotic and against all male common sense, no matter how dumb-tell me, the males reading this-would you hit on the girl's best friend(groping the buttocks and unwanted stoking of the chest area "reading the shirt") so that the girl would get jealous and fall for you? This kid-he's a 16-yr-old Brazilian named Claus-did just that as an attempt for my feelings. Well, what d'ya know? DIDN'T WORK, YA BASTARD. So he lost all chances with me.
He tried calling me to apologize-my best friend first(she yelled at him) and I just gave him the utmost honesty. When I'm around other people, I express my thoughts in the nicest way I can; I didn't even consider doing that to this dumbass. And he ended up crying...I felt bad, but it didn't cancel out the hatred I developed towards him. All in all, I concluded that he was just a selfish, conceited, spoiled kid that didn't get the piece of candy he wanted. This was Thursday. Yesterday(Friday) night, he called me again, except with his friend-of which also was on my side, so even his friends agreed that what he's doing is just stupid.
I already told him that I probably won't forgive him for an immense amount of time-if I even decide to forgive him at all, cuz Jessica(my best friend) was upset to the utmost extremity. It took his friend and I two hours to get through to his head that he's an idiot, he's practically screwed, and if he wants even the slightest chance with me again he's only a few chances to do so. Basically if he screws up again, he's done for and he'll get his di** shoves up his friggin' ass and a free trip to the moon.
On top of all that, I'm still trying to recover from my 2-yer-long relationship with the best of friends and my first love and then y other best guy friend actually didn't like me at all, which everyone in the IB program(plus the drama club and the IB upperclassmen) thought, but he actually like my classmate Laila...he told me-a best friend.
So, all this love stuff is getting to me and I guess I wasn't specific enough when I asked for a manga-like life...will I ever get a happy ending with this storyline??
-an ever so troubled KaidaFaye

What I used to look like-

On the left=me

On the right=the guy I had the promise with for two years.
