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x_x I Are Dead

External ImageLast night, I stayed up til about 3 for various reasons-main reason being my insomnia-like habits. I got up at 6 and got ready for school(1st day as a sophmore, hellz yeah!!), and couldn't wait til lunch, where I finally drank some Mountain Dew for it's caffeine-based energy(I'm a caffeine addict =[). Then all my leftover energy basically exploded after the last bell rang, then the crash. I think I'm still crashing-I don't usually crash, but I guess it's from the lack of sleep.
Oh, good news(for me): school's cancelled tomorrow because of the tropical storm Faye(aw, ain't that nice? Get it? Faye? KaidaFaye?). So today and tomorrow I get to catch up on sleep, study for the quiz in Chemistry on Friday(might be Monday now cuz of the storm), and work on the promo comic for the con.
Oh, forgot to mention: Mo showed up at my school-she transferred and didn't tell me-I tackled her, of course XD. So now, I'll actually have some friends left after my upperclassmen friends graduate =D YAY!!

Oh, so it turns out that tess35(on deviantART) made up a fan club on dA for my work here, so THANK YOU TESS35!!!! XD So, Please? I really need the support cuz support=motivation=work actually being done on the comic.

Okay, I'm really really tired-g'bye

Couldn't resist!

External ImageGet a load of this...! Look at the page views number next to "KaidaFaye Online"-

I had 666 World views-teehee! I are eevviiillll XD. Thanks guys!
-a delightfully evil KF

PS-School starts again for me tomorrow:I am now a sophmore! XD But most of my friends are going to graduate this year =(, so I gotta make the best of it! Wish me luck tomorrow, cuz I haven't gotten up at 6:30am for sooo long-I usually stay up 'til then XD ugh...=(

Resolve for Hair Dye

External ImageI finally solved my hair dying problems!! Here's the thing-my hair is naturally black(woot Filipino genes), so it always feels like such a waste after I dye it a colour I know will look horrible after it fades(like my recent red/pink/orange/yellow fiasco). Well, it's been 2 months and my hair colour is so nashtay(nasty), and after much pondering and interwebzing, I finally came up with a solution!! This time around, I'm gonna dye my hair back to it's original awesome black. THEN, I'm going to use semi-/demi-permanent hair dye from now on! I CAN DYE MY WHOLE HEAD FIRE COLOURED!!!!(omfg?!) I thank Minto for telling me about semi-permanent hair dye, cuz that's what really got me thinking about it cuz I was just considering leaving my hair black or dying over these awful colours =/

Well, anybody up for suggestions on hair colours? Link me if ya can and I'll check it out!(And I'll keep ya updated with my hair colours with photos, of course =D)

PS-I put a bow on me head earlier XD here's a pic! All I'm missing is some lolita dress or something...(btw, KF doesn't do frills;she enjoys the movement of her limbs)

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Holy Cripes, I got Shoes in the Mail!! XD

Yup! Iz true! I took photos of the moment of the box opening. I ordered my Converse in the mail because I couldn't find my size at the store, and these ones I saw online were SOOOO awesome!

The box from UPS
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Converse! *gasp*
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Looks like regular ol' hi-tops until...
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BAM! Plaid!
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Why, yes-I am taking floss out of my shoe pocket =D

And there you go-you can only imagine my delight at my snazzy new shoes! I love plaid, and I love pockets-and now my shoes have both. TOP THAT!! XD


Quiz Results and Etc.

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WTF?? I thought I was pretty sane-but this?? *sighs* I hate society.

Anyways, I went to my profile to see if my stuff uploaded yet-and it did-but I noticed that I now have 2+s next to my "Otakuite" status. So...umn...does anybody know what that means? I has a feeling it's good, but I really don't know, and I don't want to go through all the official posts to find out... (-_-) I mean, I read the newest post, which showed all the people that got promoted to whatever status-I found my name-but I dunno what an Otakuite++ IS, ya follow?