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Resolve for Hair Dye

External ImageI finally solved my hair dying problems!! Here's the thing-my hair is naturally black(woot Filipino genes), so it always feels like such a waste after I dye it a colour I know will look horrible after it fades(like my recent red/pink/orange/yellow fiasco). Well, it's been 2 months and my hair colour is so nashtay(nasty), and after much pondering and interwebzing, I finally came up with a solution!! This time around, I'm gonna dye my hair back to it's original awesome black. THEN, I'm going to use semi-/demi-permanent hair dye from now on! I CAN DYE MY WHOLE HEAD FIRE COLOURED!!!!(omfg?!) I thank Minto for telling me about semi-permanent hair dye, cuz that's what really got me thinking about it cuz I was just considering leaving my hair black or dying over these awful colours =/

Well, anybody up for suggestions on hair colours? Link me if ya can and I'll check it out!(And I'll keep ya updated with my hair colours with photos, of course =D)

PS-I put a bow on me head earlier XD here's a pic! All I'm missing is some lolita dress or something...(btw, KF doesn't do frills;she enjoys the movement of her limbs)

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Holy Cripes, I got Shoes in the Mail!! XD

Yup! Iz true! I took photos of the moment of the box opening. I ordered my Converse in the mail because I couldn't find my size at the store, and these ones I saw online were SOOOO awesome!

The box from UPS
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Converse! *gasp*
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Looks like regular ol' hi-tops until...
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BAM! Plaid!
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Why, yes-I am taking floss out of my shoe pocket =D

And there you go-you can only imagine my delight at my snazzy new shoes! I love plaid, and I love pockets-and now my shoes have both. TOP THAT!! XD


Quiz Results and Etc.

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WTF?? I thought I was pretty sane-but this?? *sighs* I hate society.

Anyways, I went to my profile to see if my stuff uploaded yet-and it did-but I noticed that I now have 2+s next to my "Otakuite" status. So...umn...does anybody know what that means? I has a feeling it's good, but I really don't know, and I don't want to go through all the official posts to find out... (-_-) I mean, I read the newest post, which showed all the people that got promoted to whatever status-I found my name-but I dunno what an Otakuite++ IS, ya follow?


I Never Thought I Would Have to Charge my Pen...

Well, my dad got the lovely idea that I needed to have this new high-tech pen: livescribe's Pulsar. Nifty and snazzy it is, hands being so darned small, I don't know if I can even keep this in my hand comfortably while taking the notes. And since it records everything as I write, that means it will record me and my friends talking during class(since I can multi-task like that)!! Then there's the fact I doodle and draw all over my paper sometimes, so my doodles will show up too =( And I'll have to keep this thing on my person(and I HATE carrying stuff), so I find this pen more trouble than it's worth. But if you don't mind all of that, then this pen is great! I mean, I'm excited I got something like this, but...I don't think I'll be using it the right way or at all as often as my dad wants me to...(PS-this tool is also used to monitor what I do in class, so now I have no privacy in the classroom either!)
-A furious/greatful KF

Hey, Lookit This! XD

One of my friends, BlizBlaze, coloured my drawing of KaidaFaye and her keytar! I love her orange hair-even though her hair is actually black with streaks, I was planning on having her dye her hair orange at some point, so now I have some reference-woo!

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PS-I finally made a deviantArt! XD