Stay In Character Meme: Dice

1. Pick a character, stay in character
2. Make them answer the questions
3. Tag some peeps

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Series: Survival Instincts

1. Interviewer: Have any siblings? (half siblings and stepsiblings count)
Dice: *Leers at interviewer.* I'm NOT talking about that.

2. Interviewer: How many members do you know are in your family tree?
Dice: I told you, I'm not talking about that.

3. Interviewer: What is your favorite game?
Dice: Hmm... practicing self-defense?

4. Interviewer: How is your love life?
Dice: Well, I don't exactly LOVE my life, but ever since Naomi and Marshall freed me from that box, I've liked learning about humans and how they live.
(He doesn't get the question.)

5. Interviewer: Do you have any royal blood?
How is blood royal? What is "royal" anyway? That's a good thing, right? I guess that since my blood is different from human blood, that means it's probably royal.
(He doesn't get this question either.)

6. Interviewer: If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?
Dice: *Shrugs.*

7. Interviewer: What is your favorite movie?
Dice: I don't have a favorite way to move. Running, maybe? I do like to be active.
(Again, he doesn't get the question.)

8. Interviewer: Have any secrets?
Dice: Yes.

9. Interviewer: Creepiest experience?
Dice: I don't want to talk about it.

10. Interviewer: Who is the most annoying person you have ever met?
Dice: I don't know. Marshall says I'm annoying, but I disagree.

11. Interviewer: Do you go on social media?
Dice: I don't know what that means.

12. Interviewer: If you're in a relationship who kissed who first :3? (If you haven't kissed that's ok)
Dice: Is that what humans do in relationships? Why didn't Naomi or Marshall tell me?

13. Interviewer: Anyone you have or had a crush on?
Dice: I wouldn't crush anyone... unless they're a threat to me.
(Yet again, he doesn't get the question.)

14. Interviewer: What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?
Dice: I don't get embarrassed that easily. Marshall says that I embarrass him, but I don't know how I'm doing it.

15. Interviewer: Are you married?
Dice: What's "married"?

16. Interviewer: What's your favorite place to be with your partner/friend?
Dice: Anywhere, really... just as long as I'm not trapped in a box.

17. Interviewer: Who's the person you hate the most?
Dice: *Raises an eyebrow.* I thought we were over this.

18. Interviewer: What's your favorite food?
Dice: I don't eat much because I don't need to. But those things that Marshall gets taste pretty good. I think he called them "burgers".

19. Interviewer: What's your favorite weapon?
Dice: I don't have one. I'm usually not one to start fights.

20. Interviewer: What's your favorite prank to pull?
Dice: I've never pulled one before. Are they heavy? I could probably handle it, regardless.
(Poor Dice isn't getting a lot of these.)

21. Interviewer: Who's your favorite among your team?
Dice: Isn't a team a big group of humans? I only know two, so I can't really say.

22. Interviewer: Is anyone like a rival to you?
Dice: I don't think so.

23. Interviewer: Favorite celebrity?
Dice: *Whistles.* Humans sure have a lot of strange concepts. I've never even heard of a "celebrity".

24. Interviewer: Got in any fights?
Dice: Yes, I have, occasionally.

25. Interviewer: Anything to say to anyone reading this?
Dice: Humans are strange. Really strange.

I tag anyone who wants to do this!
