Crazy Idea

I know you guys haven't heard from me in some time. That's because I haven't felt like writing much. But now I have inspiration.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I came up with a new story idea about 15 minutes ago. The set-up is that there's this girl who's kind of a social outcast, that reads comics to escape from her lonely life. One morning, she finds the hero of her favorite comic, fully materialized, in her room. At first, it seems like only she can see him, but it turns out that this same phenomenon has happened to other people who are reading the comic series. And that's mostly what I have in terms of the idea. Oh, and the people who can see these characters can only see the ones that they've read about.

I just wanted to jot that down in case I forget.

Seriously, though, I'm coming up with too many complicated ideas. I still have The Rebels of Planet Aadau and Destination to write. And then there's that plot-less story about mythological creatures. Plus, I have to come up with the next arc in Survival Instincts. So basically, my plate is pretty full in regard to story ideas.
