Tagged again?!

1. Sexual orientation. Straight

2. What I’m really bad at. Everything e-e'''

3. The one person whose arms I’d like to be in. ...

4. My best first date. Never been on a date..not in real life

5. A description of my self-esteem. Low..very low

6. Who my best friends are. Keyon, Dani, Jason

7. My favorite book. Vladimir Tod

8. Biggest turn-offs. Telling me what to do. Rudeness, Selfishness, being bossy, being a prude there's a lot

9. A description of my best friend. Kind, Smart, Loving, sweet, caring, romantic, strong willed, strong, brave, perfect..

10. My favorite animal. Dogs

11. Someone I miss. Jason, idiot brother -n-

12. The reason behind my last breakup. More then one

13. What I did yesterday. Lazy'd around

14. What my greatest achievement is. Nothing

15. A description of the person I dislike most. Back stabbing, liar, trickster, ruler, prayer, CONIVING CRUEL HEARTLESS...*coughs* i'm fine.

16. My 5 favorite songs right now. Control by Birthday Massacre, Franien Stien and the Bride by Blood on the Dance Floor, Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate, If it means a lot to you by A Day To Remember, Army of Love by Kerli

17. How my last kiss went down. Never been kissed

18. What I find attractive in the preferred sex. A heart of gold and a good sense of humor ^^

19. All of the pets I’ve ever had. Dogs...all dogs :3

20. Favorite flavor of ice cream. Cookies and Cream

21. The one place I want to be right now. in seinen Armen..

22. The meanest thing anyone has ever said to me. It wasn't mean just hurt alot "Where did I go wrong with you?"

23. Where I have lived before. Colorado and New Mexicon

24. I’ll love you if… I can allow myself to love and be loved.

25. What are my future plans? I don't know anymore really, It's not good to make plans

26. An internal conflict I have with myself. Letting people in and not hiding things

27. What I’m doing tomorrow. No clue

28. What I want to be when I get older. I kind of doubt that it matters what I want

29. Most embarrassing moment. I don't know

30. Two of my insecurities. My body and my scars.

31. What I would do if I won the lottery. Put it back for the future

32. A description of the boy or girl I like. Wonderful, Kind, Smart (even if he wont admit it) loving, brave, strong. so much more

33. What I love most about myself. Nothing..I hate every single thing about myself

34. My biggest pet peeves. Snobs, know it alls, overly perky people, yellow..Tracy...=n=

35. What bands I’ve seen live. None

36. How many kids I want in the future. 2 at the very most 3

37. My idea of a perfect date. Walk in the part at night

38. What I’m really good at. Nothing..didn't you already ask this?

39. Most traumatic experience. Dad being in a car reck..ever since then..

40. Where I would like to live. A forest

41. The nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.

42. Do I like where I am now? Yes

43. My relationship with my sibling(s). Is bad besides Jason

44. All the pets I’ve ever had. Dogs

45. What I can hear right now. Music

46. My biggest worry currently. So much

47. Something I’ve wished for repeatedly. To be happy

48. My relationship with my parents. So so

49. Something I should have said a long time ago. I love you

50. What my last text message says. Ha!" - from Jason
