stolen (kinda?) meme/tag from Omnia1


1)place?: park at night. I really love it on Christmas time because of all the lights looks so magical and romantic even more sense we have carriage rides~

2)Job?: Nothing yet, may be working at a pizza place or something soon

3)Hobby?: making stuff :3 I'm starting to get into Deco Den and it's alot of fun!

4)Memory?: Hmm tough I'll have to say this one year when me and my mom went to this festival and a butterfly followed me around this really pretty shop covered in Ivy or the year we went to this garden that looked like it came out of japan, with cherry blossoms it was great

5)Dream?: The one where I'm in this beautiful forest in's hard to explain

6)Dinner?: chinese food

7)Colour?: Black, Purple, Pink, Red

8)Car?: no idea

9)Console?: DS

10)Food?: pasta~

11)Drink?: diet Sunkist

12)Weather?: nice, cool, breazy

13)Animal?: another toughy! Fox, Wolf, owl, bat, dog...anything close to a dog >_>

14)Sea Creature?: does a sea dragon count? if not then sea horse

15)Board Games?: not a clue

16)Conesole Games?: KINGDOM HEARTS!

17)Number?: 27 for some odd reason

18)Letter?: S? I dont know XD;

19)Song?: can't chose lol I guess right now it's Sunrise comes too soon by Late Night Alumni

20)Values/Qualities?: hard to say really

21)Sport?: none :x

22) Art Materials?: too many to pick D:

23)Artist?: again to many to choose from

24)Own Drawing?: can't draw with a damn but I guess this one doodle i did around hallowen time of a girl with mouth stitched and her head on a table. it wasn't bloody though i swear

25)Art Programme?: no idea

26)Quote?: "if you don't come out I will punch a babies face!!"

27)Eye Colour?: purple (or if you mean my eye color it's brown)

28)Hair Colour?: black( dark brown almost black..for now)


30)Part of the Body?: umm...does the head? I don't know

This Or That: this is that and that is this

31)Coffee or Tea?: tea

32)Fizzy Drinks or Juices?: fizzy drink~

33)Religion or Own Destiny?: own destiny

34)Lies or Truth?: Truth

35)Love or Hate?: love

36)City or Country?: country

37)Grief or Comfort?: comfort

38)Leader or Follower?: follower

39)Bird or Animal?: animal well birds are animals soo..both?

40)Family or Friends?: friends

41)Internet or Real Life?: tie i guess

42)Hope or Despair?: hope

43)Half Empty or Half Full?: half full

44)Negativity or Possitivity?: possitivity

45)Peace or War?: peace

46)Marriage or Divorse XP ? marriage

47)Cold or Warmth?: warmth

48)Adventure or Cautious?: i'm a cautious person >_>

49)Clean or Mean XD?: mean? XD


50)How Many Anime crushes Do you have? Who are they?: i lost count XD they are..~ Ichigo Kurosaki (bleach) Sora (Kingdom Hearts) Roxas (kingdom hearts) Sebastian~~ (black butler) Syaoran (Tsubasa) thats all one the top of my head

51)What Anime Character do you think is like you in personality and maybe looks? and Why? I'm not really sure sadly lol, I'm not pretty enough to be them...i guess personality wise I'm like Rukia from bleach looks..not a clue

52)Are you Lazy XD? very lazy XD

53)What can you cook? kind of

54)Whats your favourite chore of the day?(housework wise): washing dishes

55)What do you always dread when you get up for the day?: school and drama

56)Whats the best thing that has ever happened to you in your life?: coming to the Otaku :3

57)Whats the worst?: coming to the Otaku...weird I know >_>

58)What do you regret?: so much...

59)What do you cherish?: my friends and family

60)Can you keep a secret?...: very well I think

61)Could you trust people with your secrets if you had to?: I only trust a few people. only one totally

62)Who would you run to if you really needed a helping hand?: Keyon

63)Would you be good to your other half?: of course

64)What Pet would you want if you lived on your own?: doggie~

65)Would you ever hurt or yell at your other half?: I hope not..

66)Would you love and protect your other half? with your life if it depended on it?: I would

67)What would you say to me wanting to kiss you?: o3o sorry momma I dun go that way

68)Are you a team player? or a lone wolf? *Should of put this in opposites... oh well, can't be arsed now lmao XD*: team player

69)Is your Girlfriend your bestfriend? ^_^: I don't have a girlfriend cause once again I dont go that way XD

70)Now you can tag 5 friends. Have fun hehe ^_^:

I taaggg, Ame, Roxas, Axel, Will and Angel
