Random Facts About Bill Kaulitz

Facts about Bill:
Full name: Bill Kaulitz.
Occupation: Singer and Songwriter
Date of Birth: September 1, 1989
Place of Birth: Leipzig, Germany
Height: 6 foot 3
Weight: 110 lbs
Favorite Color: Orange
Natural Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nickname: None, he says his name is short enough but his grandma calls him "Macky" because he eats so much McDonalds.
Siblings: Twin brother: Tom Kaulitz (who was born 10 minutes before him)
Mother: Simone
Father: His parents divorced when the twins were around 7 years old: his natural father is named Jorg. The twins remained in care of their mom and her new husband Gordon Trümper, a guitarist in a rock band, inspired a love for music to the twins
School: He and his brother are currently studying at an internet school: their fame and ultra-full schedules do not allow them to go to a normal high-school
Favorite Subject in School: Arts
Hated Subjects in School : Math, Physics, French
Hobbies: Parties, singing, song-writing, and fashion designing
His Idol: He says he doesn't really have an idol but he strongly looks up to Nena.
Favorite Music: Green Day, Pink, Nena, Coldplay, Keane, David Bowie, Placebo, and The Rasmus
Some of his favorite songs: Pink-U+Ur Hand & Green Day-Boulevard of Broken Dreams
First album he ever bought: Nena
First concert he's ever been to: Nena
Favorite movie: The Labyrinth
Pets: A black labrador named Scotty and a cat named Kasimir.
Distinctive signs: Two piercing's: one on his right eyebrow and one on his tongue. Three tattoos: one of the band logo on the back of his neck, a star on his right hip, and a scripted one that reads 'freiheit 89' (Freedom 89) on his left arm
Motto: Leb die Sekunde! (Live the second!)
Favorite drinks: Strawberry Nesquik, Peppermint tea, and Dolley’s vodka (it’s a toffee flavored liquor drink)
Favorite foods: Pizza, Spaghetti, and Sirloin Burgers. He's also a HUGE fan of fast food
Personality: He is very open-minded, friendly, extremely talkative, ambitious, sensitive and romantic. He describes himself as an "insider" because he'd rather spend time slouching inside the house than go outside and get some fresh air. He's not a fan of exploring nature. He says he can be vain sometimes. He is the creative part of the band and writes most of the lyrics
*Bill is very unathletic. He admits he is lazy and could sleep his entire life away if he had the chance.
*Bill's shoe size is a 9: US
*Bill is afraid that he and Tom will get in a big fight and never speak to each other again
*The mark on Bill’s hairspray is "Kyrell"
*Bill's favorite eyeliner is Maybelline
*Bill whistles when he's in the shower
*Bill is allergic to apples and mosquito bites
*His favorite color is orange
*He is right-handed
*Bill is very superstitious
*He hates potatoes, chocolate, and broccoli
*He hates when girls bite their nails, but when he's nervous he does it himself
*He is afraid of insects, especially spiders
*During the Echo Awards 2007 Bill got stopped when he wanted to go to the men's room, because The watchman thought he was a girl
*Bill sleeps in his underpants
*When he makes up a song he sings it to Tom, so he can play it for him
*He doesn't like liars and unreliable people
*He wants one more tattoo, that's placed below the one he has on his hip
*If somebody tells him that some of his fans are sick, he can think about it for days
*He listens to "White Flag" when he has to write songs
*When he was a little boy, he wanted to be a wizard
*He has a T-mobile Sidekick II
*He doesn't want his girlfriend to be taller than him
*He loves girls that scream at concerts
*Bill likes to sew
*He still suffers from stage fright
*He doesn't do his own laundry
*At McDonald's he always orders a Big Mac, 6 nuggets and a vanilla milkshake
*His favorite animal is a monkey
