VALENTINE'S DAY <3 (and unfinished cr*ppy story 8D;)

OHC and Chocolates

Valentine's Day. A day where the love birds don't hold back and the scent of roses and chocolate is in the air. Which brings this story of love and passion to a secret island where only the most prestigious club resides. Many men live on this island as a need for their job. And many women live among them. Why a place like this exists? Well.. It's only possible for this place to be the one and only Otaku Host Club. And on the day of February 14th... Heh. If I just told you, then there would be no story, now would there? So let's begin this play on a couple of coziness and similarity between the two.


"Ah? Si, amore?"

The tall blonde blinked and looked back at a curly-haired brunette running towards him. She stopped right in front of him, looking down with a slight blush and carrying a small pink gift bag. She nervously held it up to him.

"I-I made you these chocolates, Dino. Happy Valentine's Day, Amore <3" Chero said shyly.

Dino chuckled and accepted the chocolates. "Gratzie, Chero." he smiled and gave Chero a kiss in return. She returned the smile and kissed back.

In the background, the sound of clicks were coming from the bushes. Leaves rustled as someone tried adjusting themselves.

"Tch. Why can't we get these kind of innocent photos when we're all together?"

"Really, Hime? You're asking that now?" A girl with very short brunette hair looked over at her partner with much longer hair of a darker shade. Pushing up her glasses, the short-haired girl spoke again. "We're too obnoxious and nosy for them to be this 'innocent' around us."

Hime laughed loud enough where Dino and Chero wouldn't hear. "Oh yeah, that's right! Thanks for reminding me, Jenny." She quieted down again and resumed her spy work on the couple that was getting even more cozy than before.

Jenny took a few more pictures as well and sighed. "Is this how we're going to be spending our Valentine's Day?" she glanced at Hime, who seemed to be having more than enough fun getting more blackmail photos than cute ones. Pausing, she looked over at Jenny.

"Well of course it isn't, why would I want to spend my day sneaking around in the bushes? That's just lame." Putting away the camera, Hime stood up. "Didn't you say you had chocolates you were gonna make for a certain 'Hero', Jenny?" she grinned and began to walk away.

Jenny closed her eyes and blushed a bit. It's true, she wanted to make chocolates for America. But she felt like she was much too nervous to do so herself. Sitting in the bushes for a few more moments, she was startled by nearing footsteps and then a shadow blocking the sun.

"JENNY! What are you doing in the bushes?"

Jenny looked up to see the so-called 'disaster' twins looking over the bushes to see what they're friend was doing. Kiki tilted her head in confusion while Mocha just blinked and stared.

"what? I can't use the bushes a my hiding spot?" Jenny replied, getting up.

Kiki just shrugged as Jenny walked out from the bushes. "Anyways! Happy Valentine's Day, Jenny!" Kiki and Mocha both gave Jenny a hug. Jenny laughed and hugged them both back.

"Thanks, you~ Ditto <3"

The trio began walking around the area.

"So," Mocha began. "Are you going to the Valentine's Day party, tonight?"

Jenny blinked. "Party? Since when? I didn't think we were having one this year."

Kiki reached into her pocket and handed the invitation to Jenny. "Everyone one got in their mailbox this morning."

Jenny took the invitation and looked at it. "Well that explains a lot, I haven't checked my mail since yesterday."

"So you're coming then, right?" Mocha asked again.

Jenny smiled as she returned Kiki's invite. "Of course, I'm going!"

Kiki smiled back at Jenny. "We'll see you tonight, then!"

The three parted ways, Jenny to her own home and the 'twins' off to wherever.

(Yeah. that's where I gained writers block. 8D enjoy your first 'end it yourself' story! knock yourselves out. 8DD)