Upcoming Awesomeness (sweet 16, too <3)

One of my friends one day walked up to me and asked if she could write a fanfic with her Hetalia OC and mine. I said "sure~" XD it turns out she's writing it like a freakin' novel. I love her so much <3 XDD

After she sent me chapter 1, I was all like.... I. MUST. TURN. THIS. INTO. A. MANGAAAAA. And so... I did!! I've been lazy lately so I have yet to post it~ XD Plus I still need to make a cover for it ^^;; *has been REALLY lazy lately*

anywhoooo... look foreward to that! :D

AAANNNDDDDD!!!! Guess who's gonna be 16 on thursdaaaayyyy~ *points to self* The Princess herself! Hoozah~ I can't wait! I really wanna see all my friends on that day~ (best part, i get to skip the last half of the school day for a chorus competition. >3 we're gonna kick ass with our amazing singing skilzzz!!!)

*is suuuuper excited for mah birthday* hehehe <3

AND TO SUKI (if chu read this): THANK CHU SO MUCH FOR TEH ICOOOONNZZZ!!! Jenneh loves tem :3

*felt the need to post that* ooooh america~ <3
